New Heroes

Written and published by Elisa Zeno from Ecole et Familles Oubliées

This year, 2020, has been a rough one. Many of us have been faced with illness, sometimes alone, sometimes together with our family fear. Many have lost families or friends, and have been a witness of beloved’s pain. It was a terrifying, distressing year but also a year we want to thank.

Yes, in spite of all the pain, of all the challenges of this 2020, we are grateful for all the life lessons it gave us.

Now, we know more about ourselves and about others. We have discovered our strengths and weaknesses. We really understood the meaning of the word resilience.

We have found new heroes, including little heroes: our wonderful children who showed the adults what being kind, altruistic and brave looks like. They gave us the force and the energy to battle for a safer education, for preserving their health and their future.

All along with this fight, we met so many incredible people who gave us not only the strength to go-on but also a new hope, in humanity, in the power of the community.

We have deep gratitude for these new friendships that repair our damaged hearts. We wish to thank them all and to say that we will continue to go on altogether in fighting for what is right.